022410 Random


Random shit swiped from chicomoto, and other blogs.



Being the curious Georges we are , we visited an old shoe factory to meet an old friend. Ang tibay shoes one of the oldest shoe brands in the Philippines started in 1910. Sadly they closed down. Our friend Todee is a 4th generation ang tibayer with leather running in his veins he knows the tools of the trade by heart and occasionally cranks out a few pieces for friends. We brought him a seat for portias gilera hell rock this seat old school im sure.



The monkeys are off to cartimar. Its located in the heart of Manila, our friend Bimbo owns a small tattoo parlour in the area. Cartimar is probably the weirdest mix of markets ive ever been to. It has a section devoted to Nike knock offs and other famous brands, and it also houses the biggest pet market in Manila. The wildlife has tapered down to mostly legal animals, when i was younger you could buy a lion cub, wolf or even a tree viper or black mamba. Name it Cartimar had it, and they even have a huge section devoted to bicycles Cartimar is also famous for bikes. Isnt it so cool get a pair of fake ajs, a bike and a free pet to go with it.



Bike night on macapagal, rode over with Jauhn and the NOS kids. Saw some neato gopeds and super high speed rice cookers courtesy of migs and love love. There was illegal drag racing also which i missed. Young men doing rollie free poses on their little 125cc souped up machines

Mooneyes 2009A

A vid snatched from Nao of Psycho wheels
amazing, makes you just wana go fire up your bike
and lane split.



Friday random

Elvin Bueno

Monkey Buenos baked words can be seen here.

Noli lucky monkey


Our Lucky Monkey Noli used to make toys, plastic , rubber vinyl toys of superheroes, villains, wrestlers you name it. He'll still cobble up and occasional action figure but now its all about the metal. Oxidization and rust
A short feature on his life his bikes and his passion for creation.
read it here NOLI ARTICLE

Thanks to the guys on the action figure hub for the pics and articles on our lucky monkey noli.

On any sunday by Steve Mcqueen was a great movie with a cool soundtrack to boot. The monkeys are out riding with fellow cafe racers just scooting around the city. For any bike nut the world over sunday will always be sacred for riding motorcycles and tinkering with them after. As far as my travels have taken me I always see bikers heading out somewhere on a sunday morning may it be a lone wolf or a huge pack of weekend warrior types. Heres a few shots of a typical sunday with the post ride old motorcycle hunting expeditions.

