Anik Anik love x 13luckymonkey deskull


Mitch Mauricio of Anik-anik love

A blog that chronicles the homes and creatives spaces of the filipino art community.

She sends photos of her Deskull, custom made and inspired

by our Northern brothers the Kalinga.

Fierce warriors adorned with tattoos and a history of headhunting hence the battle axe.

Hawkeye x 13Luckymonkey


The World’s Greatest Marksman Hawkeye.

A custom commission from our long time friend and client Doc A.

He gives us a call to and reveals it to be a custom ring for Jeremy Renner who's in town shooting the Bourne Legacy.

Inspired by Hawkeye, Mr. Renners character in the avengers.

we used Elvira x Catherine as our base ring

Inspired by the character we engraved and sculpted

flying arrows going for the kill.

Thanks Doc A for letting us build this one and actually letting us meet mr. Renner

wearing his hawkeye ring.

photo marksmanship by ben of blacksheep Manila.

satan is my motor


I've got wheels of polished steel
I've got tires that grab the road
I've got seats that selflessly hold my friends
And a trunk that can carry the heaviest of loads

I've got a mind that can steer me to your house
And a heart that can bring you red flowers
My intentions are good and earnest and true
But under my hood is internal combustion pow'r
Satan is my motor
Hear my motor purr
Satan is my motor
Hear my motor purr
Satan is the only one who seems to understand
Satan is my motor




Smoke within a smoke.

Sculpted by Daweed inspired by inception

and the human centipede.



Hawk eye

crazy target in the eye.

Arrows aiming for the kill.

Thanks Blacksheep for the photo

Kaloy Sanchez x Snow


Kaloy Sanchez
comissions us for a ring.

He finds the perfect stones and a Godiva is agreed upon.

The stones are perfect and clearly reflect light our ring as the chosen canvas

Extra hammered effect for this baby

With Diamonds clear as snow and a tattoo of his muse on the side subtly engraved.

13Luckymonkey x Style bible


Style bible

is the literal bible on the interwebs

for the latest in fashion.

We were lucky ( no pun intended) to be featured

in their designer spotlight.

take a gander.